Thursday, September 6, 2007

Where to Buy Discs

There are three places to buy discs locally, and you get free discs once-in-awhile because of membership of the club, or for being in tournaments. The first place I bought discs was Academy, because that's the only place I found them. The next place I heard of was a lumber yard in Ingleside, then a smoke shop in Corpus Christi.

Now, nothing against Academy, it's one of my favorite stores in town. But, they aren't out there putting up new courses, maintaining existing courses, etc. I try to support those guys if I can. "Those guys" are Lone Star Lumber, in Ingleside, and S&G's Glassworks on the SPID feeder (get on the feeder from Ayers, heading toward Weber/Kostoryz).

Before you go in S&G, though, let me tell you that it is a smoke shop. If you have a history of, um, non-tobacco-smoking, but are trying to stay away now, it might not be the best place for you. The guys are nice, they aren't pushing anything, but, wink, wink, those aren't really for tobacco. I don't want to make them sound like bums, though. The guys in there are really cool and I hope they won't disown me for saying this about S&G. Just trying to keep you safe, eh? I've shopped in S&G, but my difficulties and God-given challenges are not in that area (I got problems, believe me). Just know what you are doing. Once you pop up on his radar, the Enemy can be wily. It always happens just at the time you are trying to clean up your act a little, too.

Lone Star Lumber has it's own hazards, but mostly if you are a toolaholic. But they have as good of a selection of discs as you will find around the area. If you need some discs, and are in the area, maybe for a round at Live Oak, then drop in and pick up a few. When you take a right onto Main at the light, take another right and look for the big Lone Star sign on the front of their building.

Let me also say that, while there are some great web sites with great information about the sport, I encourage you to buy locally, if possible. These are the guys you'll play rounds with, say "hi" to and these are the guys that are making the courses and keeping this great sport around for all of us.

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